Poems through Pose

Kongming King
My heart glows
behind paper thin walls,
this castle
nothing but a Chinese lantern.
Behind the surface,
I make you shadow puppets,
waiting to be released far up
and into the sky.
Do you hear me calling,
Kongming King?


Filled with effervescence, I asked you
to swell me with nacreous perception.

An ache for combined iridescence, I writhed 
My body on the over-dyed Persian rug,

like a pathetic tabby in heat,
Begging for you to take me.


I longed for eternity.
But, your spell?


I should've known,
No more than layman's lust.
I am left
perpetually hungry.

Field Mouse

We were raised 
to look out for spontaneous combustion; 
stacking hay in the August heat, 
the heaviest bales were set aside 
and busted open. 
This lesson applied 
each time a boy asked me to dance.


Lost Lover's Laments
I asked you to drape me in gladiolus, 

Red as the day we met,
But from what you dreamed, 
You feared to devour.


Underneath - I am covetous,
craving to rewrite memories that are not my own.
A demanding predator,
I know some things aren't meant for me.


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